Sunday, May 5, 2013

Spring Time Report

Last couple weeks have seen the Stripers and Reds in mixed sizes and numbers in the upper Cape Fear River.  Reports of some nice trout further down the rivers as well.  Although I have not seen them in person.  With all the fresh water over the last few days the waters along the downtown Wilmington have seen a large number of gars and the menhaden are slowly moving up river in hoards.  Wrightsville Beach has some nice blues at the jetty and surrounding waters.  Reports of a few Bonito and lots of False Albacore up near Divers Rock.  When will the Bonito runs come back to the Liberty Ship?  Spanish should not be far behind.  So break out the Clark Spoons and get on'em.
Hooked Up,
Capt. Danny Wrenn
96 Charter Co.
Wilmington, N.C.
910 619 2224

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

With Fall Fishing getting ready to go off, I want to thank all my clients from this past summer. It was a pleasure to be able to serve you and hope to be able to help you in the future. Over the last few weeks the bait fish have been pouring down the beach. Large schools of mullet, menhaden and all types of smaller bait fish have been all over Wrightsville and surrounding beaches. There have been some schools of False Albacore, Spanish and Red Drum caught along very close to shore and Masonboro Inlet. Speckled Trout should be showing up in numbers soon along the beach and in the Cape Fear River. Flounder and Red Drum are biting well in the Cape Fear River and with the arrival of the Stripers and Speckled Trout, that makes the Cape Fear Grand Slam possible on any giving day. I am still booking trips for Fall Fishing, don't miss out on the action.

Here's a heads up on the 2013 Cape Fear Striper Invitational which is scheduled for January 18 and 19th, 2013.
This is a great tournament and is always a good time for all that participate, great food and auction. It is also an excellent way to help bring back this once great fishery to it's former glory. If your interested in fishing this event you can call me or contact the awesome staff at Cape Fear River Watch.

Thanks Again For a Great Season,
Captain Danny Wrenn
96 Charter Co.
Wilmington, N.C.
910 619 2224